Knitters Anonymous

All yarn is supplied and Knitters Anonymous has patterns for every project. Finished items are donated to a variety of charitable organizations. Several times each year, Knitters Anonymous sends donations to support Native Americans, women and babies at a crisis pregnancy center, refugees from around the world, veterans residing in Florida assisted living and nursing homes, local breast cancer survivors, and mariners who are away from home. There also is a growing library with many volumes of both knitting and crocheting books as well as magazines.
Knitters Anonymous has been an active and growing ministry of The Village Church since 1974, and continues to discover innovative ways to help others with time and talents. Most know knitting and crocheting are good for the mind, body and spirit. Knitters Anonymous takes it one step further. We believe yarn crafters have a unique ability to show God’s love by including grace, comfort and care in every item we make.
For more information, please contact the church office at 239-454-2147